What Is The Official State Flower Of Maryland?

The Black-Eyed Susan, also known under its scientific name Rudbeckia Hirta, is Maryland’s state flower.  Also known as the “Gloriosa Daisy,” the Black-Eyed Susan has become an iconic symbol of Maryland and is recognized as the state flower. 

The black-eyed center symbolizes hope—a powerful sentiment that resonates with Marylanders’ unwavering determination to overcome challenges. 


Just like these flowers flourish even in adverse conditions, so do Marylanders persevere through difficult times with a spirit that defies odds.

In this article, we’ll delve into its fascinating characteristics, share the history, meaning, and symbolism of the official state flower of Maryland, the Black-Eyed-Susan, and more – so stay tuned!

History Of The Black-Eyed Susan As The State Flower

The Black-Eyed Susan, scientifically known as Rudbeckia Hirta,  was named by Linnaeus after his mentor Olaf Rudbeck, with ‘hirta’ referring to the plant’s rough and hairy texture.

This flower is indigenous to many parts of the United States and made its way to Europe after Columbus’s expeditions,  but the first usage of the black-eyed susan in literature can be traced back to the 18th-century poem by John Gay, where it symbolized a reunion between lovers. 

In more contemporary times and in Maryland’s state history, in 1918, the Black-Eyed Susan was designated as Maryland’s official state flower. This selection was not arbitrary; rather, it was influenced by several factors that make the Black-Eyed Susan a fitting representation of the state.

To this day it is frequently used as a gift for birthdays, anniversaries and thank-you messages. Simply The Best Flowers has a wide selection of bouquets and arrangements with black-eyed Susans.


Symbolism and Meaning of Black-Eyed Susan Flowers 

The black-eyed Susan symbolizes justice, motivation, positive change, endurance and protection.

The Black-Eyed Susan embodies qualities that resonate deeply with both residents and visitors. Its bright yellow petals surrounding a dark brown center symbolize endurance, strength, and resilience—the very characteristics that have defined Maryland throughout history. 

Moreover, the colors of the Black-Eyed Susan are reminiscent of Maryland’s flag. With its golden petals and dark brown centers, this flower beautifully mirrors the yellow and black color scheme found on the state flag. This visual connection adds an element of pride and unity among residents when they encounter this familiar blossom.


Attracting Butterflies with the Black-Eyed Susan in Maryland Gardens

The vibrant colors of the Black-Eyed Susan attract butterflies, making it an excellent addition to butterfly gardens in Maryland. With its striking yellow petals and dark brown centers, this native flower serves as a beacon for these delicate creatures.

Not only are Black-Eyed Susans visually appealing, but their nectar-rich flowers also provide sustenance for adult butterflies.

These insects rely on the sweet nectar found within the flowers to fuel their flight and nourish themselves. By planting Black-Eyed Susans in your garden, you can ensure that these winged visitors have access to a readily available food source.

In addition to being a valuable food source for adult butterflies, Black-Eyed Susans also serve as host plants for their caterpillars. Female butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves of these plants, providing a safe haven for the next generation.

As caterpillars hatch from their eggs and begin to feed on the foliage, they undergo incredible transformations before emerging as beautiful butterflies themselves.

To create an even more inviting habitat for butterflies, consider planting a variety of native plants alongside the Black-Eyed Susan. Native plants are well-adapted to local conditions and provide additional resources such as shelter and alternative food sources.

This diversity will attract different butterfly species, ensuring a thriving ecosystem within your garden.

By cultivating these flowers in your garden, you can contribute to conserving local butterfly populations. Habitat loss is one of the major threats faced by butterflies today, with urbanization and agricultural practices reducing suitable habitats.

By providing a sanctuary filled with native plants like Black-Eyed Susans, you create corridors that connect fragmented habitats and promote butterfly conservation efforts.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the Black-Eyed Susan holds a special place in Maryland’s heart as its state flower. With its vibrant yellow petals and dark brown centers, this wildflower adds beauty to the state’s landscapes and gardens. Its origin and common names further highlight its unique characteristics.

The Black-Eyed Susan’s significance and history as Maryland’s state flower reflect the pride that residents feel for their home. It symbolizes resilience, strength, and enduring beauty – qualities that resonate with the people of Maryland.

Fun facts and interesting trivia about the Black-Eyed Susan add an element of intrigue to this beloved flower. Whether it’s attracting butterflies or showcasing its versatility in traditional uses, there is always something new to discover about this iconic bloom.

For those looking to embrace nature or create butterfly-friendly gardens, the Black-Eyed Susan is an excellent choice. Its bright colors and nectar-rich blooms attract these beautiful creatures while adding a touch of natural charm to any outdoor space.


Can I grow Black-Eyed Susans in my garden?

Yes! Black-Eyed Susans are relatively easy to grow in gardens across various climates. They thrive best in full sun but can tolerate some shade as well.

Do Black-Eyed Susans require special care?

Black-Eyed Susans are low-maintenance plants. They prefer well-drained soil and require regular watering, especially during dry spells. Deadheading spent blooms can help promote continuous flowering.

Are Black-Eyed Susans invasive?

While Black-Eyed Susans are not considered invasive, they can self-seed and spread if not managed properly. Regular monitoring and removal of excess plants can help maintain control in your garden.

Do Black-Eyed Susans attract bees?

Yes, Black-Eyed Susans are known to attract bees with their nectar-rich flowers. Bees play a crucial role in pollination, making these flowers beneficial for both the environment and your garden.

Can I use Black-Eyed Susans in floral arrangements?

Absolutely! The bright and cheerful blooms of Black-Eyed Susans make them a popular choice for floral arrangements. Their long-lasting nature adds beauty to any bouquet or centerpiece.

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